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Calendar, minification and development mode
Jan 03, 2019 am31 8:30 AM

The first release of the new year contains a variety of changes.

There was a postal code autofill issue. Normally when you enter a postcode WSN automatically fills in the city and state if they haven't been entered yet. Discovered that wasn't working when OpenCage was your geocoding provider, because WSN was looking for the city name in the wrong place. Fixed that.

Most of my time was spent on the calendar system, particularly rewriting the event joining system to use a new _eventrsvps table. Added an RSVP caps option and did a lot of work on the calendar templates.

I've finally re-enabled the HTML minification option. I never did find a new library that avoids the <option value=""> -> <option> transformation mistake, instead I've simply added a de-transformation at the end which changes <option> back to <option value="">. There's nowhere in WSN that intentionally uses <option> to mean the value should be the label, so it should be safe... hopefully.

Also added a javascript minification setting. Previously javascript minification was always on unless the developermode tweak was enabled. Changed the developermode tweak so that it turns off all 3 types of minification now. And in order to add a warning about developermode overriding settings, I ended up adding BOOL versions of the {TWEAK template variables to enable conditionals that check if tweaks are enabled... e.g. <IF {TWEAKDEVELOPERMODEBOOL}>Warning:This value is overrridden by the developermode tweak!</IF>

For the future, I'm pondering what the best way to do a development / production toggle would be. I'm thinking something on the front page of the admin panel that can temporarily disable every option that gets in the way of debugging when you toggle it to development mode. Then when you put it in production mode it turns all the temp-disabled options back on and suggests a list of additional things (like URL rewriting and minification) that you may benefit from enabling on a production mode website. So going to development mode would be single click, but launching production mode would be more of a checklist.

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